First name | Daniel |
Last name | Vischer |
Gender | male |
Academic title | lic. iur. |
Occupation | Jurist |
Year of birth | 16.1.1950 |
Deceased | 17.1.2017 |
Places of residence | Zürich |
from | 14.11.1983 |
until | 5.5.1991 |
Zürich |
Zip code | 8006 (Zürich) |
from | 6.5.1991 |
until | 29.10.2003 |
Citizenship places | Basel |
from | 16.1.1950 |
until | 17.1. |
Marital status | |
Remarks | - 1968 Sekretär POCH Zürich
1990 Parteiwechsel zu den Grünen
1993 Präsident Gewerkschaft VOPD Luftverkehr
2000-2005 Verfassungsrat
Sources | - Tages-Anzeiger 20.01.2017
- NZZ 20.01.2017
- Prot. KR 2015-2019 S. 5683 f. (Nachruf)
Parties | POCH |
from | 14.11.1983 |
until | 5.5.1991 |
GP |
from | 6.5.1991 |
until | 19.10.2003 |
Seats | Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 14.11.1983 |
Date of leaving | 5.5.1991 |
Electoral district | 2. Wahlkreis (Zürich 3+9) |
Sources | - Prot. KR 1983-1987 S. 1139 (Amtsgelübde 14.11.1983)
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Bautz Rudolf.
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 6.5.1991 |
Date of leaving | 19.10.2003 |
Electoral district | 4. Wahlkreis (Zürich 6 + 10) |
Connections | Nationalrat |
Art | Polit. Amt |
von | 1.12.2003 |
bis | 23.11.2015 |
Data | |