First name | Johann Konrad |
Last name | Hartmann |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Quartierskommandant |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Military rank | Quartierhauptmann / Oberstlieutnant |
Year of birth | 16.11.1785 |
Deceased | 16.4.1867 |
Places of residence | Eglisau |
from | 16.4.1867 |
until | 16.4.1867 |
Eglisau |
from | 3.9.1828 |
until | 25.5.1862 |
Citizenship places | Eglisau |
from | 16.11.1785 |
until | 16.4.1887 |
Marital status | verheiratet |
Spouse | Susanna Breiter |
from | 25.1.1813 |
until | 14.4.1867 |
Remarks | - Konservative Richtung.
1811-1867 Salzfaktor Salzmagazin Eglisau.
Sources | - StAZH E III 32.09-11 (Totenregister Eglisau).
- StAZH E III 32.22 S. 146 (Haushaltsrodel).
- NZZ 01.01.1867 Entlassung Salzfaktor.
- Gottfried Boesch Vom Untergang der Abtei Rheinau in MAGZH Bd. 38 H. 3 (1956) S. 7.
- NZZ 21.04.1867 Nachruf.
- St. Galler Zeitung 25.04.1867 Nachruf.
- Zürcherische Freitagszeitung 27.09.1867 Fahrhabegant.
Seats | Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 21.6.1847 |
Date of leaving | 25.5.1862 |
Electoral district | 45. Wahlkreis Eglisau |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.28 KRP 1847/0040 (Wahlanerkennung und Beeidigung)
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Denzler Johann Jakob
Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 19.9.1839 |
Date of leaving | 17.5.1842 |
Electoral district | 44. Wahlkreis Eglisau |
Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 20.3.1838 |
Date of leaving | 9.9.1839 |
Electoral district | 44. Wahlkreis Eglisau |
Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 3.9.1828 |
Date of leaving | 15.2.1838 |
Electoral district | Zunft Eglisau |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.6 KRP 1828/0027 (Beeidigung)
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Schmid Rudolf
Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 18.5.1842 |
Date of leaving | 21.5.1846 |
Electoral district | 45. Wahlkreis Eglisau |
Data | |