First name | Germain |
Last name | Mittaz |
Gender | male |
Occupation | eidg. dipl Controller |
Year of birth | 1942 |
Places of residence | Dietikon |
Zip code | 8953 (Dietikon) |
from | 6.5.1991 |
until | 20.4.2004 |
Remarks | - Mitglied Bankrat Zürcher Kantonalbank.
Parties | CVP |
Parliamentary group | CVP |
from | 6.5.1991 |
until | 20.12.2004 |
Seats | Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 6.5.1991 |
Date of leaving | 20.12.2004 |
Electoral district | 7. Wahlkreis (Dietikon) |
Sources | - Protokoll Kantonsrat 2003-2007 S. 6495 (Amtsgelübde).
Remarks | - Abgelöst von Wiederkehr Josef.
Functions | Mitglied |
from | 6.5.1991 |
until | 20.12.2004 |
Data | |