First name | Johann Heinrich |
Last name | Schellenberg |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Färber |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Military rank | Lieutnant |
Year of birth | 5.3.1791 |
Deceased | 30.8.1862 |
Places of residence | Kloten |
from | 19.9.1839 |
until | 17.5.1842 |
Citizenship places | Kloten |
from | 1791 |
until | 30.8.1862 |
Marital status | verheiratet |
Spouse | Katharina Siegfried |
from | 12.1850 |
until | 30.8.1862 |
verwitwet |
Spouse | Elisabetha Rinderknecht geb. Keller |
from | 19.3.1848 |
until | 12.1850 |
verheiratet |
Spouse | Elisabetha Rinderknecht geb. Keller |
from | 19.12.1836 |
until | 18.3.1848 |
Sources | |
Seats | Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 19.9.1839 |
Date of leaving | 17.5.1842 |
Electoral district | 47. Wahlkreis Kloten-Bassersdorf |
Data | |