First name | Albert |
Last name | Reichen |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Pfarrer |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Year of birth | 30.1.1864 |
Deceased | 25.10.1929 |
Places of residence | Winterthur |
from | 1895 |
until | 12.5.1929 |
Grindelwald |
from | 30.1.1864 |
until | 30.1.1864 |
Citizenship places | Frutigen |
from | 30.1.1864 |
until | 25.11.1929 |
Winterthur |
until | 25.11.1929 |
Marital status | verheiratet |
Spouse | Mina Huber |
from | 6.12.1892 |
Directories | German National Library Catalog | 1051817005 |
Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS) | D13515 |
Virtual International Authority | 308736710 |
Picture | Zürcher Illustrierte Bd, 5 (1929), Nr. 49, S. 8. |
Remarks | - Kaufmännische Lehre
Eisenbahnbeamter Schweizerische Centralbahn
1883-1886 Schweizerische Rückversicherungsgesellschaft
1892-1895 Pfarrer in Seuzach
1895-1929 Pfarrer Stadtkirche Winterthur
1917-1929 Erziehungsrat
Wird 1899 im Wahlkreis 34. Winterthur zwar gewählt nach Kassation der Resultate aber nicht bestätigt.
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.45 KRP 1899/007/0072 (Ersatzwahlen Winterthur 1899).
- Zürcher Illustrierte Bd 5 (1929) Nr. 49 S. 8 (Hinschied).
Parties | Sozialdemokratische Liste |
from | 23.7.1917 |
until | 12.5.1929 |
from | 25.5.1908 |
until | 22.7.1917 |
Seats | Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 23.7.1917 |
Date of leaving | 12.5.1929 |
Electoral district | 13. Wahlkreis (Winterthur) |
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 25.5.1914 |
Date of leaving | 22.7.1917 |
Electoral district | 37. Wahlkreis Winterthur |
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 19.9.1898 |
Date of leaving | 7.5.1899 |
Electoral district | 34. Wahlkreis Winterthur |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.44 KRP 1898/062/0356a (Amtsgelübde)
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Ziegler G.
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 20.5.1902 |
Date of leaving | 24.5.1908 |
Electoral district | 03. Wahlkreis Aussersihl |
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 25.5.1908 |
Date of leaving | 24.5.1914 |
Electoral district | 34. Wahlkreis Winterthur |
Connections | Grosser Stadtrat Winterthur |
Art | Polit. Amt |
von | 1898 |
bis | 1920 |
Data | |