First name | Heinrich |
Last name | Ehrensperger |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Schmiedmeister |
Year of birth | 1866 |
Places of residence | Lindau |
from | 6.11.1911 |
until | 12.5.1929 |
Citizenship places | |
Parties | Demokratische Liste |
from | 20.10.1919 |
until | 12.5.1929 |
Seats | Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 20.10.1919 |
Date of leaving | 12.5.1929 |
Electoral district | 12. Wahlkreis (Pfäffikon) |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.52 KRP 1919/092/0706 (Amtsgelübde)
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Flachsmann Friedrich.
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 6.11.1911 |
Date of leaving | 24.5.1914 |
Electoral district | 33. Wahlkreis Illnau |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.49 KRP 1911/014/0087 (Amtsgelübde)
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Gallmann J.U.
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 25.5.1914 |
Date of leaving | 22.7.1917 |
Electoral district | 36. Wahlkreis Illnau |
Connections | Gemeindeammann Lindau |
Art | Polit. Amt |
Data | |