First name | Hans Konrad |
Last name | Vogel |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Examinator, Stadtrat / Vizepräsident Stadtrat |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Year of birth | 11.10.1750 |
Deceased | 28.2.1835 |
Places of residence | Knonau |
from | 11.10.1750 |
until | 11.10.1750 |
Zürich |
from | 13.12.1810 |
until | 27.11.1830 |
Citizenship places | Zürich |
from | 11.10.1750 |
until | 28.2.1835 |
Marital status | verwitwet |
Spouse | Elisabeth Werdmüller |
from | 1826 |
until | 28.2.1835 |
verheiratet |
Spouse | Elisabeth Werdmüller |
from | 1774 |
until | 1826 |
Directories | German National Library Catalog | 1051883849 |
Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS) | D13533 |
Virtual International Authority | 308738413 |
Remarks | - 1785 Obmann Almosenamt
1792 Almosenpfleger
Sources | - Zürcher Stadtratslisten 1798-1892 (Stadtarchiv Zürich V.L.136.)
Seats | Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 13.12.1815 |
Date of leaving | 27.11.1830 |
Electoral district | Grosser Rat (Kooptation) |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.4 KRP 1815/0059 (Wahl)
Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 13.12.1810 |
Date of leaving | 11.12.1815 |
Electoral district | Zünfte und Los |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.3 KRP 1810/0019 (Loswahl)
StAZH MM 24.3 KRP 1810/0045 (Beeidigung)
StAZH MM 24.4 KRP 1815/0045 (Auslosung)
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Landolt Johann Heinrich
Connections | Stadtrat Zürich |
Art | Polit. Amt |
von | 12.4.1821 |
bis | 30.11.1830 |
Stadtrat Zürich |
Art | Polit. Amt |
von | 25.6.1803 |
bis | 6.1.1817 |
Munizipalität Stadt Zürich |
Art | Polit. Amt |
von | 24.6.1799 |
bis | 31.11.1799 |
Stadtrat Zürich |
Art | Polit. Amt |
von | 7.1.1817 |
bis | 11.4.1821 |
Data | |