First name | Rudolf |
Last name | Schärer |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Bezirksrichter |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Military rank | Hauptmann |
Year of birth | 4.11.1812 |
Deceased | 4.3.1876 |
Places of residence | Binzikon (Grüningen) |
from | 26.5.1862 |
until | 4.3.1876 |
Citizenship places | Grüningen |
from | 4.11.1812 |
until | 4.3.1876 |
Marital status | verheiratet |
Spouse | Emilie Baumann |
until | 4.3.1876 |
Remarks | - 1847 Hauptmann
1852 Kreisschätzern für Gebäudeschätzungen 3. Kreis.
1863- Mitglied Bezirksgericht Hinwil
Sources | - StAZH StAZH MM 2.95 RRB 1847/0334 (milit. Beförderung)
- StAZH MM 2.159 RRB 1863/0299 (Wahl Bezirksgericht)
- StAZH NN 360.1 (2) S. 6 (Grüningen Totenregister A)
Seats | Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 31.5.1854 |
Date of leaving | 13.6.1869 |
Electoral district | 18. Wahlkreis Grüningen |
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 14.6.1869 |
Date of leaving | 4.3.1876 |
Electoral district | 18. Wahlkreis Grüningen |
Sources | - StAZH MM 2.211 RRB 1876/0791 (Hinschied)
Remarks | - Abgelöst von Dürsteler Kaspar
Data | |