First name | Erhard |
Last name | Wolf |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Gerichtsherr, Fabrikant / Amtsrichter |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Military rank | Quartierhauptmann |
Year of birth | 1748 |
Deceased | 4.2.1829 |
Places of residence | Turbenthal |
from | 21.12.1820 |
until | 4.2.1829 |
Citizenship places | Turbenthal |
from | 1748 |
until | 4.2.1829 |
Remarks | - 1803-1816 Mitglied Bezirksgericht Winterthur
1804 Bau Ölmühle Turbenthal
1816-1829 Mitglied Amtsgericht Winterthur
Sources | - StAZH MM 1.1 RRB 1803/0318 (Wahl Bezirksgericht)
- StAZH MM 1.9 RRB 1804/1745 (Bewilligng Oltrotte)
- Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kantons Zürich Bd. 7 Der Bezirk Winterthur südlicher Teil Bern 1986 S. 18 64 66 70 72 80 82/83 95.
Seats | Grosser Rat | Date of joining | 21.12.1820 |
Date of leaving | 4.2.1829 |
Electoral district | Zunft Turbenthal |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.5 KRP 1820/0037 (Beeidigung)
StAZH MM 1.105 RRB 1829/0132 (Hinschied)
Data | |