First name | Johann Rudolf |
Last name | Erni |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Pfarrer |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Year of birth | 15.2.1824 |
Deceased | 3.4.1896 |
Places of residence | Turbenthal |
from | 14.6.1869 |
until | 16.6.1872 |
Citizenship places | Turbenthal |
from | 15.2.1824 |
until | 3.4.1896 |
Marital status | verheiratet |
Spouse | Marie Elisabeth Sulzberger |
from | 1854 |
Remarks | - 1849 Ordination
Vikar Seuzach/Kyburg
1852 Pfarrer Kyburg
1880 nicht mehr als Pfarrer bestätigt
Starb in geistiger Umnachtung in der Anstalt Königsfelden
Sources | - Zürcher Pfarrerbuch 1519-1952 Zürich 1953 258.
Seats | Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 14.6.1869 |
Date of leaving | 16.6.1872 |
Electoral district | 32. Wahlkreis Illnau |
Data | |