First name | Heinrich |
Last name | Wettstein |
Gender | male |
Academic title | Dr. phil. |
Occupation | Lehrer |
Religion | ev.-ref. |
Year of birth | 27.3.1831 |
Deceased | 16.2.1895 |
Places of residence | Fällanden |
from | 27.3.1831 |
until | 27.3.1831 |
Zürich |
from | 17.11.1873 |
until | 22.4.1874 |
Küsnacht (ZH) |
from | 16.2.1895 |
until | 16.2.1895 |
Citizenship places | Fälllanden |
from | 27.3.1831 |
until | 16.2.1895 |
Marital status | verheiratet |
Spouse | Elisabeth Baumann |
from | 1858 |
Directories | German National Library Catalog | 128668946 |
Historical Lexicon of Switzerland (HLS) | D9090 |
Virtual International Authority | 52747087 |
Remarks | - 1855-1873 Sekundarlehrer
1874-1875 Lehrer der Naturkunde Lehrerseminar Küsnacht
1875-1895 Direktor Lehrerseminar Küsnacht
Sources | - StAZH MM 2.203 RRB 1874/0350 (Wahl Lehrerseminar)
Seats | Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 17.11.1873 |
Date of leaving | 22.4.1874 |
Electoral district | 06. Wahlkreis Neumünster |
Sources | - StAZH MM 24.36 KRP 1873/0228 (Wahlanerkennung)
StAZH MM 24.36 KRP 1873/0229 (Amtsgelübde)
StAZH MM 24.36 KRP 1874/0087 (Austritt
Remarks | - Nachfolger von Bleuler Theodor
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