First name | Gottfried |
Last name | Schönenberger-Heusser |
Gender | male |
Occupation | Spinnereibesitzer, Fabrikant |
Year of birth | 1831 |
Deceased | 2.10.1903 |
Places of residence | Gossau (ZH) |
from | 9.6.1884 |
until | 2.10.1903 |
Citizenship places | Tannenberg (Gossau) |
from | 1831 |
until | 2.10.1903 |
Seats | Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 15.5.1893 |
Date of leaving | 2.10.1903 |
Electoral district | 20. Wahlkreis Grüningen |
Remarks | - Abgelöst von Heusser Wilhelm.
Kantonsrat | Date of joining | 14.6.1875 |
Date of leaving | 14.5.1893 |
Electoral district | 18. Wahlkreis Grüningen |
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